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Steve May  |  Jan 21, 2013  |  0 comments

Despite the evangelical barking of the movie industry, 3D hasn’t exactly taken off in the home. The technology has improved, but this year has seen high-profile 
3D channels being either shuttered (CanalPlus) or scaled back (DirecTV), with stereoscopy polling low as a reason to buy a new set. 

Adrian Justins  |  Nov 14, 2012  |  0 comments

It’s almost impossible to start a plasma TV review without first mentioning the L word. In other words, the seemingly relentless march of LED into the showrooms and living rooms of the nation. If plasma was only just being invented it probably wouldn’t reach production, but thankfully for discerning AV enthusiasts, Samsung, LG and Panasonic have long-established factories that continue to keep cooking on gas.

Steve May  |  Nov 01, 2012  |  0 comments

If you’ve been harbouring suspicions that Panasonic is reserving its premium TV technology for plasma, then think again. The brand’s new WT50 line of LED screens oozes proprietary refinement. For those in the market for a leading-edge LCD, Panasonic is determined to be on your shortlist. This is, quite simply put, a barnstormer of a TV. 

Adrian Justins  |  Oct 25, 2012  |  0 comments

There’s something a bit ‘last year’ about the style of the TX-L47DT50 – but that’s no bad thing as Panasonic has shrewdly adopted a look that’s proved successful for Samsung in the recent past. In fact, this is one of the best-looking TVs in Panasonic’s 2012 lineup, which has more models than Paris in Fashion Week – and the TX-L47DT50’s picture quality proves that beauty is more than just skin deep...

Steve May  |  Oct 16, 2012  |  0 comments

Televisions are like shoes. They get comfortable real quick. Buyers tend to agonise over which screen size best suits their room, debating endlessly the merits of 42in versus 46in panels, but the simple fact is that in 97.3* per cent of all cases (*actual figure may vary) they buy a telly they’ll conclude is too small within days. 

John Archer  |  Oct 12, 2012  |  0 comments

Toshiba’s 55ZL2 rewrites TV history on not one but two fronts, comes fully-loaded with unprecedented amounts of processing power and looks amazing to boot. In other words, it’s the shape of TVs to come. Yet there are a few bumps along the way...

John Archer  |  Oct 10, 2012  |  0 comments

Despite Panasonic revealing a new-found enthusiasm for LED this year, most serious video enthusiasts will still be carrying a torch for the brand’s new plasma TVs, particularly the flagship VT50 series auditioned here.

Steve May  |  Sep 14, 2012  |  0 comments

It’s no exaggeration to say that Sony enjoyed a bumpy 2011. Quite apart from its well documented financial ills, the brand’s sprawling TV range was wildly inconsistent, with not even top-flight models escaping criticism.

John Archer  |  Sep 06, 2012  |  0 comments

Hailing from Finland (as its name suggests) the Finlux brand isn’t entirely new to the UK. It’s entered and left again on more than one previous occasion. But with its latest push, Finlux (now actually owned by Turkish outfit Vestel) is seemingly making its most concerted effort yet to establish a firm TV foothold on our shores.

Adrian Justins  |  Aug 28, 2012  |  0 comments

The 46YL863 is a fine-looking TV, although its heavy-duty stand lacks the coolness of the gorgeous brushed aluminium bezel and designer remote control. It is not, however, a TV for the impatient, taking a good 30 seconds for the blank screen to spring to life after pressing the on button. The interminable wait is possibly the most frustrating aspect of owning this screen as it otherwise generally acquits itself well and shows the importance of Toshiba’s CEVO engine and Active Vision M800HD processing when it comes to delivering HD images.

Adrian Justins  |  Aug 21, 2012  |  0 comments

You would be forgiven for being seduced by the 47LM670’s delightful floating ribbon stand and gorgeous slip of a bezel that virtually disappears when the screen is switched on. But at the same time you may be wondering if the 47LM670 is all fur coat and no knickers. After all, its picture processing is perfunctory and the screen uses Passive 3D technology. Sometimes, though, it pays to keep things simple, and whilst the 47LM670 is not an unqualified triumph it does succeed in delivering better than expected results.

Adrian Justins  |  Aug 14, 2012  |  0 comments

This attractive beast is rammed with cutting-edge technology – including four remote controls if you count your mouth and arms as two of them. Gesture and voice control can make you feel self-conscious and possibly embarrassed as you gesticulate and yell basic commands at the TV. Frankly, it’s a pointless gimmick.

John Archer  |  Aug 06, 2012  |  0 comments

As you’d expect – given that we’re called Home Cinema Choice – we just love really big flatscreens. We’d think nothing of knocking through a living room wall and obliterating our kids’ playroom to accommodate a monster display. Especially if that display didn’t cost an arm and a leg.

John Archer  |  Jul 30, 2012  |  0 comments

Panasonic may have been forced this year into embracing both Passive 3D and big-screen LCD technologies, but it certainly hasn’t given up on its beloved Active 3D plasma screens. In fact, the 50in TX-P50ST50 plasma here isn’t at all old-fashioned.

John Archer  |  Jul 20, 2012  |  0 comments

As soon as you clap eyes on the 55LM660T you’ll be impressed. By any stretch of the imagination, it’s one heck of a looker. Not least because its bezel is, well, hardly there. In fact, when the TV’s off, the way the black colour of what small amount of bezel there is blends with the blackness of the screen means the set appears to only have the slightest trace of silvery trim wrapped around its extreme outer edges. Spectacular.
